Organization of transportation on the territory of Russia, CIS, Europe and America

Our company's autopark consists of high-power trucks and low-bed trailers allowing transportation of up to 20 meters length yachts and boats, industrial equipment, road-building and farm machinery. More...

Merry Fisher 895 Приозерск

Merry Fisher 895 Priozersk

Recently, our company, ATP-Nevskoe, carried out a complex and responsible project to transport the Merry Fisher 895 boat from St. Petersburg to Priozersk. Transportation of such large cargo requires a professional approach and careful preparation.
Из Казани во Владивосток

From Kazan to Vladivostok

Transportation of oversized cargo such as a boat requires careful preparation. Our team of engineers and logisticians analyzed the route in detail, taking into account all possible risks and road features. Calculations were made for the size and weight of the boat, and the limitations of bridges and tunnels along the route were assessed.
Доставлен в Самару

Delivered to Samara

ATP-Nevskoye has successfully completed the transportation of a boat to Samara. Our specialists competently planned the route and selected the optimal means of transportation to achieve safety and efficiency. The process included careful preparation of the boat, packing and fixing it on the transportation platform.
Август 2023 Спб - Узбекистан

August 2023 Spb - Uzbekistan

ATP-Nevskoye Company successfully managed the transportation of oversized cargo by trawl from St. Petersburg to Uzbekistan.
Перевозка катеров в зимний период

Transportation of boats in winter

ATP-Nevskoye provided services for transportation of boats during winter period at extremely low temperatures up to -35°C. To ensure safety and security of the boats, we used special technical solutions and professional approach.
Перевозка катера из Санкт-Петербурга в Самару

Boat transportation from St. Petersburg to Samara

In the transportation company ATP Nevskoye every transportation becomes a special event. We strive for an ideal combination of professionalism, safety and quality of services, so that clients can be confident in the reliability of their cargo.

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